We have a live-in carer. Should we change patterns?

Posted on March 24, 2020

Where the care recipient or other members of the household are self-isolating you may want to consider how live-in care assignments can be extended to reduce the number of people that visit the property. You may want to discuss this directly with your care workers or you can contact the SuperCarers team to support.

Where this is not possible or a changeover of live-in carer is required, additional precautionary steps may be taken before a live-in carer starts an assignment:

  1. Talk to the new live-in carer to confirm that they have not to their knowledge had contact with someone infected and are not showing any symptoms.
  2. In the first 7 days of the new assignment direct contact should be minimised, steps may include:
    • No sharing of bathrooms. Where bathroom must be shared, carer should clean after use
    • Do not share food
    • Do not share kitchen utensils without thorough washing
    • Where personal care can be completed independently it should
  3. Ensuring high hygiene standards are maintained

The latest ‘Stay at home’ guidance applies to your Carer as well as other members of your household and so you should consider why and when your carer has to leave the home and if possible take steps to reduce the frequency or need altogether. For example for shopping and medicine provisions look at online alternatives.

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